Shane’s Covid-19 media

Anna Hazel Crotty
7 min readNov 27, 2020


Explanation here

KPBS: Expert Says COVID-19 Booster Shots May Be Recommended By Winter

10News: La Jolla Institute takes comprehensive look at COVID-19 immunity

10News: Delaying the second COVID-19 vaccine dose has benefits and drawbacks

NBC News: Covid variant from India: How contagious is the new variant?

San Diego Union-Tribune: So coronavirus vaccines aren’t perfect. They’re still very, very effective

Bloomberg: Herd Immunity Is Humanity’s Great Hope, and It’s Proving Elusive

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Bloomberg: Covid Mutants Multiply as Scientists Race to Decode Variations

Reuters: Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 shot 91% effective in updated data, protective against South African variant

Scientific American: Your Immune System Evolves to Fight Coronavirus Variants

Reuters: Analysis-In mutant variants, has the coronavirus shown its best tricks?

San Diego Union-Tribune: AstraZeneca’s vaccine seems safe and effective, but miscues worry researchers

MedCram: Does a Positive Antibody Test = Covid 19 Immunity?

MedCram: Covid-19 Vaccine

Voice of San Diego: It’s All A Race — Interview With an Immunologist

Washington Post: After weeks of declining cases, echoes of hot spots emerge in Upper Midwest, New York City area

KPBS: Pandemic Life: The Impact On Health Care In San Diego County

NY Magazine: How the West Lost Covid

New Scientist: How much of a threat is the Brazil variant of coronavirus to the UK?

Bloomberg: Covid Q&A: When Do Vaccines Begin to Work?

BBC: Science in Action

Nature: How ‘killer’ T cells could boost COVID immunity in face of new variants

New York Times: Childhood Colds Do Not Prevent Coronavirus Infection, Study Finds

Washington Post: Variants mean the coronavirus is here to stay — but perhaps as a lesser threat

StringR: Broadcast version: Digital version:

BBC The Evidence (podcast):

New York Times: A ‘Race’ to Vaccinate, After South Africa Variant Is Detected in South Carolina

New Scientist: Can coronavirus variants reinfect people and evade the vaccines?

CNN Philipines: Here’s how some of the leading coronavirus vaccines work

Scientific American: Should We Change COVID Vaccine Doses to Reach More People? What the Data Say

Science: Saliva could hold clues to how sick you will get from COVID-19

10News: Study finds 95% of COVID survivors protected from reinfection for at least 8 months, if not more

New York Times: The Future of the Coronavirus? An Annoying Childhood Infection

Der Spiegel: Das lange Gedächtnis des Immunsystems

El Pais: Un caldo de cultivo para variantes del virus que escapen de las vacunas

Washington Examiner: Coronavirus immunity could last for years: Study

10News: What makes the UK coronavirus strain more contagious?

Washington Post: Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine protects against key mutation found in fast-spreading virus variants, study shows

Undark: With Little Federal Help, Local Officials Struggle to Vaccinate Immunschutz hält mindestens acht Monate

MIT Technology Review: Covid-19 immunity likely lasts for years

Science: Fast-spreading U.K. virus variant raises alarms

National Geographic: What we’ve learned about how our immune system fights Covid-19

Science Magazine: U.K. variant puts spotlight on immunocompromised patients’ role in the Covid-19 pandemic

VeryWell Health: 5 Experts Explain mRNA Vaccines for Non-Science People

Medcram: Covid-19 Vaccine Deep Dive: Safety, Immunity, RNA Production

Moderna on deck (KNX In Depth)

What we’ve learned about how our immune system fights COVID-19 (National Geographic)

U.K. variant puts spotlight on immunocompromised patients’ role in the COVID-19 pandemic (Science)

5 Experts Explain mRNA Vaccines for Non-Science People (verywellhealth)

COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Dive: Safety, Immunity, RNA Production (MedCram)

Will vaccines stop the spread of COVID-19? How long will protection last? Success may delay answers. (The Globe and Mail)

Unpacking the Long-Term Immune Response to COVID-19 (ContagionLive)

Coronavirus News Roundup, November 28-December 4 (Scientific American)

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson Still Have COVID-19 Antibodies 9 Months After Getting Sick (Prevention Magazine)

Science Friday (NPR)

How the RNA vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer work (10 News)

Immunity to the Coronavirus May Last Years, New Data Hint (New York Times)

COVID-19 survivors may have long lasting immunity; Pfizer vaccine is 95% effective in trial (Reuters)

Does COVID-19 result in lasting immunity? Growing evidence says yes (San Francisco Chronicle)

The End of the Pandemic Is Now in Sight (The Atlantic)

Immunology Is Where Intuition Goes to Die (The Atlantic)

Immunity to coronavirus could last for years (The Times)

Study Suggests COVID-19 Survivors Could Have Temporary Immunity (NBC San Diego)

Data suggests coronavirus immunity could last years (KUSI)

How long does coronavirus immunity last? Some studies suggest months (Global News)

Paul Misleads on Natural Infection and COVID-19 Vaccines (

Can You Get COVID-19 Twice? What Doctors Know About Coronavirus Immunity (Prevention)

Coronavirus immunity may last years or even decades (KCBS)

We now have the best evidence yet that coronavirus immunity lasts 6 to 8 months after infection, and perhaps even years (Business Insider)

AstraZeneca Defends Dosing Error in Covid-19 Vaccine Trial (Wall Street Journal)

Study Finds Kids Develop Different Antibodies When They Get COVID-19 (Healthline)

Russia announces positive COVID-vaccine results from controversial trial (Nature)

Meet Kathrin Jansen, the woman leading Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine effort (Fast Company)

New Type of Test May Better Discern Immunity to the Coronavirus (New York Times)

Pfizer Says Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine Is More Than 90% Effective (NPR)

Coronavirus antibodies don’t last long, new research shows. (But that’s not as worrying as it sounds.) (Advisory Board)

White House Claims Covid-19 Victory as Deaths Rise (Undark)

Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Studies Showing Waning Coronavirus Antibodies (New York Times)

Why you shouldn’t worry about studies showing waning coronavirus antibodies (Chicago Tribune)

Can You Get The Coronavirus Twice? (Business Insider)

Podcast 19

Donald Trump has COVID-19 (The Spectator)

An idiot’s guide to T cells (The Spectator)

Trump Allies Say the Virus Has Almost Run Its Course. ‘Nonsense,’ Experts Say. (New York Times)

Could Exposure to the Common Cold Reduce the Severity of COVID-19 Infection? (Scientific American)

Severe COVID Clues: Autoantibodies, Gene Mutations (Web MD)

Covid Doctors Find a Turning Point in Life-Threatening Cases (Bloomberg)

An ‘uncoordinated’ immune response may explain why COVID-19 strikes some hard, particularly the elderly (Science)

Your immune system fights COVID-19 best when it fights together, La Jolla scientists report (San Diego Union-Tribune)

A new front in coronavirus disinformation: Wall Street research (CNN Business)

You can get reinfected with Covid-19 but may still have immunity. Let’s explain. (Vox)

A serendipitous discovery advances COVID research — and makes a cameo in Congress (Elsevier. Cameo by me as “wife.”)

The C-SPAN video of Fauci talking about the paper

Why ‘T Cell Immunity’ Won’t End The Coronavirus Pandemic (Forbes)

What the immune response to the coronavirus says about the prospects for a vaccine (Nature)

T-cells take lead over antibodies against COVID-19 infection, new study suggests (Wish TV)

San Diego Scientists Uncover Why Elderly COVID-19 Patients May Experience Deadlier Cases (KPBS)

Why do older people fare worse against COVID-19? Fewer T-cells, according to new study (10 News)

LA Times Second Opinion discussion series

This Week in Virology podcast

T cell immunity will not end the pandemic sooner (10 News)

VOA Tek (Voice of America)

Is Immune Memory Potentially a COVID-19 Silver Bullet? (NBC San Diego)

Forty percent of people with coronavirus infections have no symptoms. Might they be the key to ending the pandemic? (Washington Post)

How coronavirus vaccine candidates vary in approach (10News)

Vaccine Candidates Inspire COVID Hope (NBC San Diego)

Coronavirus vaccines leap through safety trials — but which will work is anybody’s guess (Nature)

The Right Wing Has A New Theory For Why The Pandemic Will End Soon: T Cells (BuzzFeed)

How Long Does COVID-19 Immunity Last? (The Atlantic)

Six months of coronavirus: the mysteries scientists are still racing to solve (Nature)

Can our immune system ‘remember’ the coronavirus? Scientists hope so (NBC News)

We Thought We Had COVID-19 In January, But What Do Our Antibodies Say? (KPBS)

Some People May Have a Head Start Against Coronavirus, Surprising Evidence Shows (Science Alert)

Coronavirus hopes and fears center on ‘immunity’ (Medical Xpress)

People who have had suffered from a COLD in the past could be protected against COVID-19, scientists claim (Daily Mail)

Early Coronavirus Immunity Data Fuel Promise for a Vaccine (Scientific American)

What the immune response to the coronavirus says about the prospects for a vaccine (Nature)

Can we get a vaccine by November? La Jolla immunology expert discusses how that would happen (10News)

Coronavirus Impact Podcast

What we could learn from the coronavirus outbreak on aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt (LA Times)

COVID-19 herd immunity isn’t happening any time soon (Popular Science)

What Do Antibody Tests For SARS-CoV-2 Tell Us About Immunity? (The Scientist)

COVID SCIENCE-T cells play a role in fighting coronavirus; COVID-19 affects children differently (Reuters)

I Recovered From COVID-19. But I Can’t Donate My Plasma Because I’m Gay. (Mother Jones)

Can COVID-19 Be Treated? Does Blood From Survivors Help? Experts Answer Our Questions on Antibodies. (Mother Jones)

La Jolla Institute Leading Global Hunt For Antibodies To Coronavirus (KPBS)

Pre-existing immunity to SARS-CoV-2: the knowns and unknowns (Nature)

Scientific papers:

Selective and cross-reactive SARS-CoV-2 T cell epitopes in unexposed humans (Science)

Targets of T Cell Responses to SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus in Humans with COVID-19 Disease and Unexposed Individuals (Cell)

Antigen-Specific Adaptive Immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in Acute COVID-19 and Associations with Age and Disease Severity (Cell) There’s another Crotty on this one, too!

